Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Road Trip Part 2

Our second road trip was a whole lot shorter and we stayed in Virginia.

Ryan and I have been wanting to visit each other's colleges ever since we met. They were such a huge part of our lives! And I know that to truly picture Averett...you have to see it. Yes, the whole campus is pretty much one huge building! Ryan was shocked when he actually saw that it was true!

So, on Friday of Labor Day weekend, we made the trek to Danville! While we were there, I got to visit with some of my old professors. We even drove down to North Carolina to visit one of my religion professors, Dr. Nickens. I took about 85% of the courses for my major with him. We also ate some Danville fine dining - Short Sugar's for lunch and Ham's for dinner! Danville has been built up a lot since my college days (which wasn't that long ago!) It's a much busier place now!
My Alma Mater, Averett University

Averett built a new student center and I had never seen my leadership plaques before...so of course, I had to go find them!

Notice my name AND my sister's name on this plaque...
This is one of my favorite spots on campus and I'm not really sure why. You could usually find me running down this path on the way to class. Why? Because I was late. Did you really have to ask?

We drove into Lexington that night and got up early to go see the parade at VMI.
Ryan's Alma Mater, Virginia Military Institute

This is where we could have found Ryan, in the Alpha Company. (aka - the tall kids)
Chapel on campus
This is where Ryan lived. They are doing some major renovations, which we were surprised to see.

VMI was having a home football game, so we stopped by to watch a little bit of it.

Much to our surprise, they won!

I was totally fascinated by VMI. It was so different than my college experience...or anything that I have ever experienced for that matter! I must have asked Ryan a gagillion questions that day. I loved being able to experience that part of his life. I have so much respect for him for having completed four years there.

After this trip, we haven't taken a road trip since. With Disney World and this trip so close together, we were done with the car for a while! But hopefully soon, we'll be back on the road!

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