Monday, April 26, 2010

Jewels in the Crown

After college, I had a blog. I went back and found it and re-read some of my old posts. I would link to it, but some of the entries are really cheesy and a lot of the links are dead, so I won't. But, I did come across this post from 2007 and it cracked me up. This paints the perfect picture of my family...

Last night after Common Ground band practice, Dave and I met up with my family at Cardinal to finish up all the wedding invitations. We were sitting around laughing and talking and then I remembered that I left some stuff at church that I needed for this weekend. I knew my Dad was going to swing by the church in the morning, so I asked him if he would pick my stuff up for me. (This was after my sister and I had asked him to do several other things, I'm sure) He just sighed and said something to the effect of "what would you girls do without me?" I looked at him and said "Dad, one day, you're going to get your crown in heaven, and all the jewels will be because of the things you did for me and Amy." He laughed and then said "as soon as I get my crown, I'm going to lay it down at Jesus' feet." My family started to laugh and tease him because apparently, he heard that quote from Beth Moore. I said, "Shoot! I'm going to wear mine for a little while!" My family just burst out laughing. My Dad said, "are you going to take a picture of yourself in it and put it on MySpace?"

My family is nuts.

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